Many people try to learn to play the piano as a child. If you’re one of these kids, you probably experienced the typical scenario: you went for a few lessons, learned that you weren’t playing like magic after a few weeks, then gave up.

This experience is common for many children, which often leads to regret as adults. The few kids that stick with it can become truly amazing pianists, capable of entertaining a wide variety of audiences with their musical skills.

Thankfully, it’s not too late. Starting piano lessons as an adult is not only possible but beneficial to your mental and physical health. It teaches you a new skill while also allowing to you express yourself in new, creative ways.

Learning to play also doesn’t have to be expensive. You can take lessons online and buy a piano keyboard instead of having to spend thousands of dollars for an acoustic piano.

If you’re interested in taking up this great instrument, then read on. We’re gonna talk about all the different benefits and considerations when looking for a piano keyboard.

It’s Never Too Late To Learn

Most adults tend to assume that you have to be extremely young to learn how to play an instrument well. It’s easy to understand why many think this.

Most professional musicians start at a very early age. Children, in general, learn the skills that are often required to excel at physical and creative activities later in life.

Whether it is music, arts, sports, or other specialised skills, the typical belief is that you have to be young to learn to do it well.

Others beg to differ, however.

Many adults successfully take up learning a variety of specialised skills regardless of their age. Many turn to music in particular as a way to creatively express themselves or simply learn a new skill they have never tried before.

It’s important to understand what you can realistically achieve as an adult.

If you’re wanting to become a professional concert pianist, this is certainly possible, but extremely difficult. Concert pianist spend years, even decades, perfecting their craft and exposing themselves to different styles of music.

This doesn’t mean you can’t learn to play the piano well as an adult. The main reason we assume that children can only learn to play proficiently is because of the differences in how they learn.

Children have a different learning style than adults when it comes to music. Because their brains are developing, they are more equipped to pick up skills naturally on-the-fly. To many people, this can seem effortless.

For adults, learning to play an instrument isn’t difficult and may be surprisingly easier than as a child. As an adult, you have a lot of experience and skills you can use while picking up a new instrument.

In general, it’s easier for adults to understand the concepts and mechanics of the piano and music. They also tend to be more motivated and persistent in constant practice.

This means that you are more than capable of picking up the piano regardless of your age. It takes practice, but the benefits of learning this new skill can make the time and effort worth it.

More importantly, as an adult, you have the ability to fit this activity into your schedule. You can control how much time you spend and when you spend it.

So what do you actually have to gain by finding and playing a piano keyboard?

Benefits Of Learning To Play

Learning to play a new instrument is a challenging experience for the brain. It has to learn how to handle a lot of different information at the same time. It also has to learn to control your hands and feet simultaneously to play typical piano music.

Practice is required to learn to do these things. Your brain needs enough exposure with these challenges in order to learn how to overcome them. This also trains your muscles to recognise and manipulate the feel of piano keys and pedals.

You can expect to notice many mental and physical benefits as you learn to play the instrument. Mentally, regular practice creates and strengthens new connections between neurons in the brain. This allows the brain to process and recognise new information.

In particular, playing the piano affects the hippocampus, the part of the brain that deals with learning and memorisation activities. A healthy hippocampus can help your brain retain its memory as it advances in age.

Physically, learning to play the piano can help with your hand-eye coordination. The muscles in the arms and legs learn to improve their muscle memory through repeated practice. The fingers learn how to manipulate themselves in different ways while the hands learn to play with each other at the same time during a song.

This activity strengthens all the muscles and neural connections between your brain and the limbs. Many of these skills become a natural habit which allows your brain to go on autopilot and multitask with different activities at the same time.

If you’re interested in experiencing these benefits, the most important thing you need is an actual piano to learn on.

Benefits Of A Piano Keyboard

Some people tend to assume that learning to play the piano is an expensive endeavor. If you picture yourself learning to play on a massive stage behind a grand piano, then you might be right.

Most concert grand and baby grand pianos cost upwards of $10,000 -$20,000. At this price, you can certainly expect to get the best of the best. However, having a great piano doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be able to play it well.

In fact, most typical pianos can be challenging to learn it first. The keys are often weighted down, making them harder to press for fingers the don’t have enough muscle yet.

If you are serious about learning to play the piano, it will be important to learn to play an authentic piano eventually. However, if you’re interested in simply learning to play a few songs or try out the piano as an instrument, a piano keyboard is a better option. These offer all the same functionality as a regular piano and then some at a lower price point.

A typical piano keyboard is electronic instead of acoustic. It relies on prerecorded sounds that are played when you press a key. The keys themselves can either be weighted or unweighted, meaning you can pick one that might be easier to play initially.

Piano keyboards also offer a lot of other different advantages over regular pianos. The first is the typical price. Instead of paying thousands of dollars, you can reasonably expect to find keyboards for only a few hundred on up.

Piano keyboards also are smaller than regular pianos. An average grand piano is six feet long. Electronic keyboards, on the other hand, are small enough to be carried around and to fit in virtually any room in the house.

Finding The Right Piano Keyboard

If you’re interested in buying your own piano keyboard, there are a few important things to think about to find the right one.

First, make sure you establish a budget for this purchase. Even though piano keyboards are cheaper than regular pianos, they still vary with different prices. You can find many budget models all the way up to professional keyboards that are used on stage.

Second, decide whether you want a full-length keyboard or something smaller. A typical piano has 88 keys, which some keyboards offer. Other keyboards will only have a smaller amount, such as 76 or 61 keys.

Third, you will have to choose whether you want weighted or unweighted keys. Weighted keys offer the same feel and resistance as a normal piano. Unweighted keys are easier to press down, but may be too sensitive or “bouncy” for some beginners.

The type of keys you choose depends on the type of music you want to play. Traditional or classical piano music is best played on weighted keys. More contemporary, rock, electronic, or faster music can be played on unweighted keys. Ultimately, you can play any music on any type of keyboard, but it can be helpful to think about your musical preferences.

Finally, think about whether you want any bells and whistles. Because they are electronic, many piano keyboards offer different instrument voices, recording capabilities, or even guided lessons and exercises. You can find some keyboards the offer just a pure piano experience or something more.

Starting Today

Since it’s never too late to pick up this majestic instrument, why hesitate? Get out and research different piano keyboard options so you can pluck yourself down in front of one.

Learning to play the piano can be a wonderful and beneficial experience for any age. It will improve your mental and physical capabilities while providing you an outlet for creative expression. Most importantly, it can introduce a whole new world of musical possibilities.

We can help you! Whether you need assistance in finding the right instrument or other helpful information, feel free to get in touch.